Interference with purinergic signalling: an explanation for the cardiovascular effect of abacavir?
Esplugues JV, De Pablo C, Collado-Díaz V, Hernández C, Orden S, Álvarez Á.
FISABIO - DS Valencia - Doctor Peset

Pesticides and Agricultural Air Quality
Coscollà C, Yusà V.
FISABIO - Salud Pública

ncreased Expression of Readthrough Acetylcholinesterase Variants in the Brains of Alzheimer's Disease Patients.
Campanari ML, Navarrete F, Ginsberg SD, Manzanares J, Sáez-Valero J, García-Ayllón MS.
FISABIO - DS Elche - Hospital General Universitario de Elche

Epidemiology of Hospital Admissions with Influenza during the 2013/2014 Northern Hemisphere Influenza Season: Results from the Global Influenza Hospital Surveillance Network.
Puig-Barberà J, Natividad-Sancho A, Trushakova S, Sominina A, Pisareva M, Ciblak MA, Badur S, Yu H, Cowling BJ, El Guerche-Séblain C, Mira-Iglesias A, Kisteneva L, Stolyarov K, Yurtcu K, Feng L, López-Labrador X, Burtseva E; Global Influenza Hospital Surveillance Study Group (GIHSN).
FISABIO - Salud Pública

HIV infection results in metabolic alterations in the gut microbiota different from those induced by other diseases.
Serrano-Villar S, Rojo D, Martínez-Martínez M, Deusch S, Vázquez-Castellanos JF, Sainz T, Vera M, Moreno S, Estrada V, Gosalbes MJ, Latorre A, Margolles A, Seifert J, Barbas C, Moya A, Ferrer M.
FISABIO - Salud Pública

Subtle genotypic changes can be observed soon after diagnosis in Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection
Pérez-Lago L, Borlado AIR, Comas I, Herranz M, Ruiz-Serrano M, J, Bouza E, Garcia de Viedma, D.
FISABIO - Salud Pública

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Improves Quality of Life in Women with OSA. A Randomized-controlled Trial.
Campos-Rodriguez F, Queipo-Corona C, Carmona-Bernal C, Jurado-Gamez B, Cordero-Guevara J, Reyes-Nuñez N, Troncoso-Acevedo F, Abad-Fernandez A, Teran-Santos J, Caballero-Rodriguez J, Martin-Romero M, Encabo-Motiño A, Sacristan-Bou L, Navarro-Esteva J, Somoza-Gonzalez M, Masa JF, Sanchez-Quiroga MA, Jara-Chinarro B, Orosa-Bertol B, Martinez-Garcia MA; Spanish Sleep Network.
FISABIO - DS Valencia - Doctor Peset

Photoprotection and photoreception of intraocular lenses under xenon and white LED illumination.
Artigas JM, Navea A, García-Domene MC, Artigas C, Lanzagorta A.
FISABIO - Oftalmología Médica

Implementation of colorectal cancer screening in Spain: main results 2006-2011.
Salas Trejo D, Portillo Villares I, Espinàs Piñol JA, Ibáñez Cabanell J, Vanaclocha Espí M, Pérez Riquelme F, de la Vega Prieto M, González de Aledo Linos Á, Idígoras Rubio I, Sacristán Terroba B, López García R, Romero Hergueta C; Spanish Cancer Screening Network.
FISABIO - Salud Pública

Factors influencing pathological ankle-brachial index values along the chronic kidney disease spectrum: the NEFRONA study.
Arroyo D, Betriu A, Valls J, Gorriz JL, Pallares V, Abajo M, Gracia M, Valdivielso JM, Fernandez E; investigators from the NEFRONA study.
FISABIO - DS Valencia - Doctor Peset

Short- and Long-Term Effects of Weight Loss on the Complement Component C3 After Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass in Obese Patients.
Gómez-Abril SÁ, Morillas-Ariño C, Ponce-Marco JL, Torres-Sánchez T, Delgado-Gomis F, Hernández-Mijares A, Rocha M.
FISABIO - DS Valencia - Doctor Peset

Is it possible to achieve functional recovery in schizophrenia? A qualitative and quantitative analysis of psychiatrist's opinion.
Lahera G, Pérez-Fuster V, Gálvez JL, Martínez M, Sánchez P, Roca M.
FISABIO - DS Valencia - Doctor Peset

Mineral metabolism disorders, vertebral fractures and aortic calcifications in stable kidney transplant recipients: The role of gender (EMITRAL study).
Torres A, Torregrosa V, Marcen R, Campistol JM, Arias M, Hernández D, Fernández C, Esforzado N, Paschoalin R, Pérez N, García AI, Del Amo M, Pomés J, González Rinne A, Marrero D, Pérez E, Henríquez F, Díaz JM, Silva I, López V, Perello M, Ramos D, Beneyto I, Cruzado JM, Martínez Castelao A, Bravo J, Rodríguez M, Díaz C, Crespo J, Anaya F, Rodríguez ML, Cubero JJ, Pascual P, Romero R, Andrés Belmonte A, Checa MD, Jiménez C, Escuin F, Crespo M, Mir M, Gómez G, Bayes B, González MJ, Gutiérrez A, Cuberes M, Rodríguez Benoit A, García T, Llamas F, Ortega A, Conde JL, Gómez Alamillo C.
FISABIO - DS Valencia - Doctor Peset

[Medical expert consensus in AH on the clinical use of triple fixed-dose antihypertensive therapy in Spain].
Mazón P, Galve E, Gómez J, Gorostidi M, Górriz JL, Mediavilla JD; en representación de las Sociedades Españolas de Cardiología, Medicina Interna y Nefrología.
FISABIO - DS Valencia - Doctor Peset

Reinventing the wheel and making it round again: Evolutionary convergence in Buchnera-Serratia symbiotic consortia between the distantly related Lachninae aphids Tuberolachnus salignus and Cinara cedri.
Manzano-Marín A, Simon JC, Latorre A.
FISABIO - Salud Pública

Relationship between Milk Microbiota, Bacterial Load, Macronutrients, and Human Cells during Lactation.
Boix-Amorós A, Collado MC, Mira A.
FISABIO - Salud Pública

[Primary hyperaldosteronism due to unilateral adrenal hyperplasia with surgical resolution]
Rubio-Puchol O, Garzón-Pastor S, Salom-Vendrell C, Hernández-Mijares A.
FISABIO - DS Valencia - Doctor Peset

Age-Related Differences in the Gastrointestinal Microbiota of Chinstrap Penguins (Pygoscelis antarctica).
Barbosa A, Balagué V, Valera F, Martínez A, Benzal J, Motas M, Diaz JI, Mira A, Pedrós-Alió C.
FISABIO - Salud Pública

Serrated colorectal cancer: Molecular classification, prognosis, and response to chemotherapy.
Murcia O, Juárez M, Hernández-Illán E, Egoavil C, Giner-Calabuig M, Rodríguez-Soler M, Jover R.
Fisabio - DS Alicante - H. General

Editorial: Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress and Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Diseases: Molecular Targets.
Víctor VM
FISABIO - DS Valencia - Doctor Peset
